Almagro Capital is a Spanish asset management group that invests in real estate with a unique focus in improving the well-being of the senior community.

Optalitix, creates cloud-based systems programmed in Excel that enhance and optimise underwriting efficiency. Optalitix and Almagro Capital have agreed to partner to create improved pricing tools for Almagro and its brokers. Almagro Capital’s customers will benefit from quicker access to pricing either through their broker partners or directly via the Internet.

"Almagro Capital staff will enjoy improved systems and insight to manage the quotes issued for them", said Dave Wilson, Sales Director at Optalitix, "this will enable Almagro Capital to significantly enhance investment origination, with brokers now accessing online portals in order to generate initial quotes and customers being able to generate quotes online."

Dave explained: “This gives Almagro Capital the ability to achieve its strategic objective of quintupling its business and significantly ramping quote volumes, without the need to ramp up their underwriting resource.” He added: “The Optalitix solution not only substantially reduces the time taken to underwrite quotes, but also provides greater levels of insight and oversight into the underwriting process, whilst providing a full audit trail of all amendments to ensure the highest levels of governance”.

Gonzalo Sagnier CMSO at Almagro Capital said: “Optalitix enables us to scale our operations with the full traceability of all quotations. We wanted to fully automate our processes and simultaneously have the flexibility to adapt the quotations to specific cases. The fact that the quotation engine can be simply managed in Excel enables us to react to market changes and launch new products with minimal coding” .Our plan is to scale the business by a multiple of 5 in the next 3 years and Optalitix is now  a valued  partner in helping us achieve our goals.

Dani Katz
Dani Katz
Founder Director

Dani’s actuarial experience and passion are key. He is a strong advocate of innovation, optimism and communication, both within the team and for the clients. Dani’s ability and experience with data ensure that we always maximise value and efficiency for every project, enabling us to unlock hidden value for the clients business.

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