In the future, workplaces could be fundamentally different from what we experience today, with technologies in Artificial Intelligence (AI) transforming the world of work for a multitude of different industries.

Whilst the future of the workplace may come with some fantastic adaptations, it could also come with a whole host of new challenges that workers will have to adjust to. Below is a list with some of the main areas of the workplace that AI could change in the coming years:

  • Staff collaboration
  • Remote working
  • Employee hiring and retention
  • Business insights

Staff Collaboration

Many believe that human-machine collaboration will become an integral part to future workplaces, increasing productivity and thereby the success of the company. This collaboration could help to speed up many of the processes throughout a business, however, this will only be the case if collaboration runs smoothly.

The future could see a focus in job requirements and desired skills for potential employees, including a know-how of certain AI technologies and how to operate them, as these could become an increasingly integral part to many different businesses.

Remote Working

AI could also help future workplaces to collaborate more with remote workers, improving accessibility so that employees can conduct their work in their homes as effectively as if they were in the office.

One example of this is that AI could also make telerobotics more common within the workplace. Remote workers of the future could be able to operate sophisticated technology from a distance (e.g. their homes), which could completely reshape the way future workspaces function.

What this also means is that employees with a technical and specialist role in the company can have more freedom in where they want to work. This may help to improve staff retention and attract new talent, often looking for this highly sought-after flexibility.

Hiring Employees

AI technology may also help to revolutionise hiring, enabling businesses to analyse large quantities of resumes and social profiles, sifting through to find a precise list of the potential candidates for certain roles.

As well as finding them, AI technologies can also automatically interact with potential candidates, meaning businesses can both find and attract the best talent out there for open positions quickly and effectively.

The future of workplaces could therefore see improved efficiency in the hiring process, both in the quality and compatibility of potential candidates to the job role as well as the time in which they were found.

Business Insights

Workspaces are already gaining great insights into their business through the help of AI; its technology being used to better understand customers, learning how to attract new ones whilst also retaining those that already exist.

Considering the level of this technology now, the future for business insights is looking very exciting, and could lead to an even deeper understanding about how to improve the productivity, and thereby success, of businesses everywhere.

Dani Katz
Dani Katz
Founder Director

Dani’s actuarial experience and passion are key. He is a strong advocate of innovation, optimism and communication, both within the team and for the clients. Dani’s ability and experience with data ensure that we always maximise value and efficiency for every project, enabling us to unlock hidden value for the clients business.

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